Hong Kong Lecture Media and Poster

As you all may have heard, I will be lecturing on March 6th in Hong Kong for the opening of the CityU Exhibition Gallery’s, “Art Deco – The France-China Connection”. The show runs from March 5, 2019 – June 30, 2019.


Media about the Events:

  • There will be an article in the South China Morning Post on March 5th.
  • Zolima City Magazine (see link below)


Meet Liu Jipiao, the Father of Chinese Art Deco


  1. Prudence Lau on March 27, 2019 at 8:09 am

    Dear Jennifer,

    Apologies that I had to leave early after your lecture at City U earlier this month as I had to rush back to my University. Tracking our previous messages, I had sent you an email right after your lecture but it seems that the address could not be delivered to afterall!

    Just wanted to say a big thank you to your sharing and wonderful recollections of your late grandfather’s history and art. Looking forward to meeting you again in the future.

    Do keep us informed of your updates and future plans on Art Deco! As for my part, I will be speaking on a TV interview coming Sunday morning about the City U exhibition and I will definitely mention your grandfather. It seems that they do not have an image of the Hangzhou expo’s entrance (Chinese side) so I hope we can share the one from your website- will definitely cite the source to your family.

    Take care again, and all the best!

    Warmest wishes

  2. Prudence on March 27, 2019 at 8:13 am

    (Oh dear- I had thought that my comment would be sent to your ‘inbox’, and not listed publicly).
    I included my work email in the comment and do feel free to contact me directly there! Take care and all the best.

  3. Howard Wu on August 17, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    Dear Jennifer,

    I am the president of Hakkanese Friendship Association in Greater Chicago, USA. Recently I was asked by Guangdong Oversea Chinese Affair Office in Guangzhou to help to find Mr. Liu JiPiao’s family members in the USA. They just gave me Mrs. Liu JiPiao’s daughter Chinese name as ” Liu Ruolan” Would that be you or your sisters?

    Can you please send me an email then we can communicate there? Thanks. Howard

  4. ZHI FU LIU on August 20, 2020 at 11:51 pm

    My name is Benny Liu president of American Chinese collectors organization,we are very interesting in Liu ji piao art work,please email us your contect information ,we can talk about more details,my number is 316-8821118.

  5. Rony Almeida on September 10, 2020 at 6:06 pm

    Dear Jennifer,

    It is a pleasure to seek your contact. I regularly sell Chinese books and memorabilia to Universities in the US, and I now have a magnificent material related to Liu Jipiao and the 1929 West Lake Exhibition which I am confident it could be of your interest.

    Please let me know if interested so I can send a detailed list.

    With best regards,
    Rony Almeida

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