Please Help Our Family!
Dear Friends,

On a sad note, while we were in China my brother Matthew’s family home burnt down in the California Wildfires. His partner was able to evacuate in time with the clothes on her back, but they lost everything, including the car, Cayden’s school and a large percentage of our business. We watched it on the Chinese news from our hotel room. It was a surreal experience. We talked, cried, remembered all the amazing things we did in that home and had lots of PILLOW FIGHTS!!
We are more than thankful that we are safe and together and we are saddened at the loss of some of Gayook’s writings that she did in the 80’s (she wrote on a typewriter!), my grandfather’s table that he designed and built and a wooden plaque that were in the apartment. Luckily, one of the rarer oil paintings he did is in the exhibit in China!!
We are asking for your help. I have started a GoFundMe Campaign for Matthew and his family. Please donate and/or help by sharing the link with your social networks! We are only halfway to our goal of raising at least $50k to help them start rebuilding! They are looking for apartments now and Cayden’s school is searching for a new on-site facility so she doesn’t have to go back on Zoom. We appreciate everyone’s support during this time, more than you know!
On a happier note, we just returned from China this past Friday and my grandfather’s first exhibit at the China Design Museum in Hangzhou, Oriental Phidias: Rediscovering Liu Jipiao Design Art is amazing! It is incredibly comprehensive with over 400 exhibit items covering his lifespan. it covers not only his life and works, but his fellow classmates in Paris, the architects working at the time, the Paris Exposition of 1925 and so much more! I promise to report on it as soon as I get my notes in order!! (And there are a lot of notes!!) It feels odd to be so happy and so sad at the same time. But like a phoenix from the ashes, we will rise anew!