1924 - Strasbourg Expo


by Lin Fengmian

Exposition Chinoise d’art ancien, Palais du Rhin 

Liu was the Secretary General of the AACF “Opus Society” Paris – An elite group of Chinese artist/scholars headed by Lin Fengmian promoting western style art and research on aesthetics and art history. The Opus Society organized the Strasbourg Expo and was responsible for the China installation and decorations for the China Display.

He exhibited watercolors and ceramic pieces, “Danseuse Palais Imperial” shows his fluent illustrator style, as well as an orientalist style of “L’Imperatrice Yang Kouei- Fee Sortant de Son Bain” , and “Lin Tay-you Enterrant des Fleures Mortes”This was a precursor to the group’s participation in the Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes 1925.